Friday, 21 June 2013

So my adventure begins in September...

After what seems like an absolute eternity, i finally did it, i applied to university (technically for the second time) and i got it. I got in. I know right, I'm in shock too, so much so when the confirmation email came through i got both my housemate and my boyfriend to read it out loud to me. I cannot believe it! I screamed, i laughed and i rang my mom straight away.

Come September i will be a 'Fashion Buying with Design' student. 
Got a nice ring to it i think.

Just before Christmas last year i decided i wanted to try again, i wanted to do my time at university. As a slight recap on my life, i applied when i was 18 to a few different uni's, got in to Derby and Lincoln, then when it came to it, I didn't wanna go. My mom and dad were both suffering from illness's still and I found that spending majority of my time in Leicester seemed a better idea than moving away from everything i knew. Daft it may have been but there's not one bit of me that regrets that decision, especially now. So after deciding i was gonna go for it, i set about applying through UCAS, writing a personal statement (with A LOT of help from everyone, thank you) and getting an amazing reference from my boss. After doing all of this it dawned on me that i was gonna have to pull a portfolio together. For a course like this i will definitely need a kick ass portfolio. So with the very few days i had off i set about photographing old art pieces, clothes i made and print screened images of my blog. I then emailed the creative department at DMU and asked their advice on portfolios and the best way to get it to them. After a few emails back and forth the lovely lady on the other end asked me to send her a short online portfolio that she would then pass on to the tutors. So after much debating what to include and what not i sent it off.
It had been 3 weeks. Not a single response from DMU and i was beginning to see that they must of viewed my portfolio and were deciding of a nice way to put me down. I'd check the UCAS site everyday for any sign of progress and nothing. I started researching other courses and i came across this really good university level course at Leicester College for basically the same thing, i decided what harm would it do to apply, if i got it at least I'd be doing something productive this year? So i applied and the next day i got an interview date, so in high spirits of this new encouragement i got my portfolio printed and bound and i was all ready with my interview outfit hanging up on the back of my door. 

Tuesday 18th came around, the day of the interview. I woke up at 9am and started feeling ridiculously nervous, excited but nervous. Ate breakfast, drank coffee and was just pottering around the house. Beep beep went my phone. Emails again! Probably spam i thought, i'll check it later i thought. But what if its the college sending me some last minute requests? I checked my emails and my jaw dropped.

'Dear Madison, thank you for your application for Fashion Buying with Design at DeMontfort University. We are very pleased to make you an unconditional offer of a place on the course. The details of your offer will be available on UCAS shortly.'

So the morning of my interview for another course i had been accepted onto my dream course with an UNCONDITIONAL offer.

I have never been so bloody happy about something in all of my life. Well maybe the exception of a few festival memories and special dates with Joe but it was up there with all of that.

So this is it. I am going to be a full time fashion student come September.
I am bricking it.

I can't wait to spend summer getting ready for it all. What do i wear on my first day? Will i have a ridiculous freshers experience or will it be tame? Will i start eating 10p noodles coz that's what students do? Who knows. 

But i know one thing for sure is that i couldn't do it without the loving support of my boyfriend Joe, my wonderful family, my amazing friends (in and outside of work) and my incredible bosses who are letting me leave their nest to run after my dreams.

Thank you everyone who has helped me get this, and if i manage to come out the other side in 3 years with a decent grade you wanna get your party frocks on coz it will be one hell of a night.

Also after finding all of this out my wonderful friends bought me tokens of congratulations! SO sweet of them.

Leah bought me a fashion colouring book with a beautiful note tucked in with it.

And the lovely Saskia bought me a massive bag of chocolate buttons and a lovely card!

Thanks for reading about my acceptance day!

Would love to hear everyone else's experiences on getting onto their dream courses or results day!



  1. Well done!
    The waiting is definitely the worst part!
    I found it difficult because I got conditional offers to 3/4 of the unis I'd applied for and then couldn't actually decide where I really wanted to be but I'm really happy with the decision I made now, studying Fashion Communication at UWE in Bristol. :)
    Aw good luck for starting uni in September!
    Petit Dora xoxo

  2. AWH THANKYOU! :) Oh wow bet that was scary stuff! You did well though, Bristols meant to be amazing for fashion! What's your course like, what year you in? Thankyou, ill need it! :p xxx
